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Sunday, October 31, 2010
I'm gonna leave this blog now:):) Ask me up for the new link if you want to...I most probably won't give it out till after the Os though...Still, I'm gonna keep all the current links I have now:):) Please stay in toucg bloggers:)

Gonna move on from this lil blog now^^

Lots of love,

♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 10:57 PM

I thank God sooo much that He has guided and protected my baby:) I know (or at least that's what everyone is telling me) that he is alright now^^

I'm soooo sorry I couldn't go and visit you at the hospital today my baby:( I just wanna give you a super big hug now....I miss you soooo much! ♥ Anyways, I love you soooo much baby, and I forever will:) I will see you really soon okay?


♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 10:49 PM

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baby, you're tooo cute. And you need to stop being soooooo adorable:( You've got me smiling to myself and yes, blushing♥ I love you sooooo much baby♥♥


♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 5:01 PM

Friday, September 10, 2010
I may not get to see you as often as I like, I may not be able to be in your arms all through the night. But deep in my heart, I truly know you’re the one that I love and I can’t let you go♥
I love you sooo much, and nothing can ever change that okay?♥
P.S. for the stupid stranger:
Don't come here tagging and saying that you hate my darling. That's just asking for trouble. I mean, who in the world are you anyway? If you're looking for a fight, please go else where ok? And if you're looking for a girl who will take notice of you, I suggest you do the same. You're such a loser who has no life. I'm sorry, but I'm being straighforward. Stop disturbing me PLEASE. I'm kinda like wasting my time talking to you, but I hope you get the message to GET LOST. Really, you're freaking annoying. Back off would you?

♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 6:21 PM

Thursday, September 9, 2010
WOW-again. Long time since I came to blogger, sadly abandoned:(

Anyway, can I ask, who in the world is that STRANGER? Is he mad or what? Some people don't seem to have much sense. So many people just love to be out and ruin other people's lives huh? Totally, that guy is pissing me off. I thought I told the idiot not to tag?? And what a freaking coward? Doesn't he know how to put his name??? I mean, confessing your love to someone but remaining annonymous-.- Geez, you'll definitely get accepted that way dude. Grrr, piss off....

Anyway, had a fruitful day today. Helped mom out with chores in the morning, studied in the afternoon and planning to study more later:p Hahahaha:D Ok, I think I've lost my mind today...Anyway, gonna be back on tumblr to reblog. Check out my posts:p


P.S. I love you Baby, and I miss you♥

♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 6:09 PM

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
WOW. Totally. Its been sooo long since I last came here:/

And my goodness, soo much has happened:):) Oh, and guess what??? I'm 16:p Hahaha, kay, that's lame-.- Anyway, my birthday is one that I'll never ever forget!! :D Believe me.

Well, before I start, I should say that the days before my birthday was really really really depressing! A minimum of 4hrs of sleep a night and soo much studying to do! :( But hey, I'm still alive:D:D Anyway...

First, my friends decided to TRY [note the word TRY] to set me up for my brthday:):) That was really epic!!! And yes, I keep forgetting to tell this to my Baby:( Hahaha, I don't know why, but I just have STM-.- Anyway, plan was that they would tell me that we would got out as a group. You know just us gals out for a meal in town. But then..I suspected something more to that. Funny that Shafiqah kept asking soooo many questions. My doubts were pretty much cleared when she suddenly asked for His number. LOL. But of course I wasn't such a mean person, so I didn't burst their bubble...YET:p Haha, but I did the following day anyway...-.- Hahaha:D:D Kay, so I didn't even go out with them in the end. I had my DPA interviewT.T And believe me, that was such a failure...Oh but I did my best:) So no regrets at all:):)

Then comes church camp during that very same weekend. On the night of 8th August, my Baby shocked me :D As in totally...I never knew that He'd be sooo daring to do such a thing:/ Hehehe, thank you soooo much again my darling♥ I love you very very very much♥♥ [And yes, I miss you soooooo much! ♥]

Well, after that I'm stuck here, STUDYING AGAIN:D:D Haha, prelims are just slightly less than a month away so I'm mugging hard now:):)

SO maybe you'd be asking me now what in the world am I doing here this late??? LOL. Hahaha, well, just chilin after my work. Gonna sleep really soon too...maybe;) Hahaha, kay, back to Amaths and PHYSICS.

[Did I mention that for this morning, I had like 3hrs of MATHS STRAIGHT? Amaths, physics, followed by Emaths.Geeez, then more Amaths during form teacher period plus AMATHS REMEDIAL. :/ Geez, I'm full of maths now...I see stars...+.+]

Kay bye for now:):)


P.S. I'm the most blessed person in the world. I thank him with all my heart! All the support from my AWESOME FRIENDS, my loving family and my sweeeeeeet Baby♥ I love you all soooo much! ♥

♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 10:15 PM

Friday, July 30, 2010
Geez, I hate today's whether...The sky has been sooo grey...I guessed it affected everyone's mood huh? We all seemed depressed. Or maybe its just us sec 4s...Hais...Sad much?

Anyway, I don't really know what to say here...just check out my tumblr to see random stuffs alright:):)

Happy weekend STUDYING peeps...You do know that mock exams are next week. Just 3 days away:) All the est everyone! :D


P.S. I posted this on my tumblr and I'll say it once again. To my darling...Don’t listen to what they say. Coz to me, you are and will always be cute and handsome just the way you are kay? :) You know I love you, and I always will♥

♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 8:31 PM

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Because I’m me, I feel like this today. Because I’m me, I feel stupid feelings like this. Because I’m me, I cried like a stupid idiot infront of my helpless friend. Because I’m me, I haven’t had a proper meal the whole day. Because I’m me, I made my friends mad today. Because I’m me, I’m blabbing nonsense right now. Because I’m me, I get stupid thoughts that don’t even make any sense.

All this crap, all this nonsense. ALL BECAUSE I’M ME.

And all I want is to be able to have the strength to be something for once. Other than me. Coz Being a weak, sensitive, emotional and forgiving person…Its really not as easy as you think. Even if I’m smiling all day. I get tired and i have feelings too.

And you know...

There are days when even the closest people to you can make you want to scream. When all you can say to them is…Yeah, I know. But YOU’RE NOT ME. So don’t even try to understand what the hell I’m going through. Coz somehow, you never will. Somehow, I just it when I get judged for being me. I'm imperfect, but perfectly me. What am I supposed to do?


P.S. I just over-think sometimes. Today is one of those times. I'm sooo sorry. Its my freaking nature and nothing because of you.

♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 6:33 PM

Friday, July 9, 2010
Hello!! Haha, I haven't updated in a while huh? But anyway, my tumblr is kinda active?? yea, but not to worry, I won't ditch blogger:) Anyway, just in case you guys don't know, my tumblr is under my links. And you may have noticed that the post that I'm about to write is form my tumblr:):)


Hahaha, today was our turn for the External Validation interveiw. We were interviewed by a guy named Andrew Tan. Some principal of a good school I suppose? Anyway, it was really quite funny after all. I mean, yes, it was nerve-racking. But come on...You gotta admit that it was funny right?? :D

Before the interview: Mrs Chua asked why we (Student leaders) had different colour ties. We answered her in a kinda joking manner, "Different generation" I mean come on...Who would ask that right?

During the interveiw: Mr Tan- "May I ask, why do you have dfferent coloured ties?" And we really said different generation! :) How awesome huh? But the best part is that he actually bought the excuse-.- FAIL.

After interveiw: We joked about it, and even told Mrs Ho. She kinda had a worried look on her face :/

But hey, I think we guys did a really good job:):) It didn't feel all fake and scripted to me and I believe that we were able to cover most of the points the teachers wanted us to right?? :):)
Oh, but just one thing...Of all the people whom you guys can ask to write down the report, it had to be me?? :( I have like..a SEVER CASE OF SHORT TERM MEMORY. And I'm serious okayy...I forget sooo many things.... :( But I have yet to hand it in. I was actually working on it just now but I kinda gave up. My head was throbbing already:( I can't remember sooo much [except for all the nonsense :p ]

So, I waited for Shafiqah after school, went to her house again. Went Home at around 5pm or soo...Got ready for tuition. Went for tuition. Went home. My lifestyle is soooo boring:( [Only perks would be when I talk to you perhaps? :D ]

Anyway, Amaths lesson tomorrow. I guess we're finishing up differentiation and starting on integration? :( Soooo tired...I can't absorb much...I drew out a time-table for the weekend, and my gosh...I would have to sleep at about 12am plus just to complete the minimum requirements! :( plus revisions and all...probably 2am?? But I know that the Lord will always be guiding me:):) But still, I think my immune system might deteriorate once again:( Like seriously...My throat is hurting sooo much now:( Can't even eat that much:(:(

Anyway, have a good night and a good weekend everyone!! :D


P.S. I miss you:( I looove you soooo much♥ You just make me smile...sometimes...a bit toooo much:/ ♥♥♥

♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 11:05 PM

Thursday, June 24, 2010
Hello! :)

Oh wells, didn't update for a while...I've been caught up with work and I guess...I was too lazy to blog:p Hmmm...

You guys know, there's this little chain message going around in facebook...This one:

"Be honest and post this on anyone's wall who made you smile somewhere,sometime in yourlife. It may surprise you, but check out how many comesback.Thanks a lot for making me smile ♥"
Gosh...You know, the moment I read this, I automatically thought of YOU...But gosh...There's totally no way I can do that:( I'd be labelled crazy if I did... :/

Haha, anyway, nothing much for the past few days:):) Went to the Universal Studious with my family yesterday:) Not bad, saw some really cool stuff:) But the thing is, my family isn't really sporting enough to go for some of the more freaky rides and all.. :( Haha, but nevertheless, it was a nice time out with my family:):)

Hmm, gosh, I miss you soooo much:( And probably the worst thing is that school's gonna start next week:( Hais, here comoes the work load...

I'm scared to take on the new term...REALLY SCARED. :( Hmmm, THE REASON MAY BE A STUPID ONE THOUGH. D:And its not because of anyone or anything else that I'm feeling this way. I mean...its like, I know myself well...I know very well of what may happen this term...But ALWAYS REMEMBER, I'll be doing my best no matter what:):) I know very well that it won't be easy..Nothing in life is ever easy [except maybe for Salvation which is like really a GIFT(: ] So I'm gonna be working hard for the next few months:) But really...there are just times when I still get overwhelmed by my fear... :'(

Anyhoos...Gonna go now:) Seriously...I have a habit of huggin my pillow now-a-days...bleahT.T Especailly when I miss you.. :(

So...See you guys next week people! -.- Really...I've been back to school for more than half of my holidays...there is really no way I can say that I miss it...-.-


P.S. I miss you sooo much na:( I looveee you♥

♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 7:31 PM

For now, this would be my blog skin:) Hope you guys enjoy your stay ♥

♥Speak out♥




♪My tumblr♪
♪Dominic Casino♪
♪Seok Yin♪
♪Shi Min♪

Base codes:Kathleen
Background: k10k

♥Lets rewind♥
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
