I was greeting people via sms, but my phone hanged on me:(
But people I owe wishes to: ~Syafiqah ~Sophia [important gil lei ;p ] ~Other people from school? [Too many to specify] ~A few more guides? ~Church people [kinda like all the Titas and Titos:)]
But to those who got my sms, well, happy New Year again!!!
To all bloggers/facebookers/twitters/msn-ers[ lol ] HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! LOL:)
I'm like soo hyper this new year!! ^^V
BYE 2009!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥andrea♥
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 11:20 PM
Good afternoon!!! Hahahahaha:)
Well, I haven't blog for a while.... hmmmm, nothing , much to say though.. updates...
~Got myself books and a new bag [ my old one I believe has a hole-.- ] ~Almost done with homework ~Went back to school to plan duty list 2 days ago ~Design a really weird looking cover page for the prefects' handbook too....[ Mr Koh will so not approve ] ~Got people to go for sec 1 orientation briefing by Mr Nahar a day ago ~Tried to diet..I repeat TRIED ~Gonna go back to popular to get my notes and those super cute paper clips!! ^^V ~I'm trying to find next year's timetable, anyone got a clue?
lol...this is boring eh? Oh, my mom's cooking baked macaroni again later!! b^^d yum yum yum:) I believe she's gonna make cookies and cream ice cream cake later too:) hais, so much food again... And Tita Mhay will give us kasaba cake too;p hahahaha:) I'm soo not fit anymore... geeezzz.....
Anyway, Happy New year!!! Last post of 2009, unless I post again later...[I probably will]
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 3:29 PM
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Last Christmas,
I gave you my heart
But the very next day,
You gave it away
This year, to save me from tears,
I'll give it to someone special
Once bitten and twice shy
I keep my distnace
But you still catch my eye
Tell me baby do you recognize me?
Well, its been a year, it doesn't surprise me
'Happy Christmas'
I wrapped it up and sent it,
With a note saying
"I love you--I meant it"
Now I know what a fool I've been
But if you kissed me now,
I know you'd fool me again
Last Christmas,
I gave you my heart
But the very next day,
You gave it away
This year, to save me from tears
I'll give it to someone special
A crowded room,
Friends with tired eyes,
I'm hiding from you and your soul of ice
I thought you were someone to rely on
Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on
A face on a lover
With a fire in her heart
A man undercover but you tore me apart
Now I've found a real love, yopu'll never fool me again
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 11:19 AM
Belated Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!
Hahaha:) Well, I haven't blog for the past 2 days coz I was in church camp. By right, I should be there today too to clean up but... Hahahaha... Well, I didn't stay overnight and now, only my dad went back:)
Anyways, the camp was ok...
I probably should post up that video I took of the carolling:) Damn cute... But DAMN LONG TOO!!!
Anyways, a big thank you to all those who sent a message at 12am on Christmas day:) But I was playing with sparklers or whatever that is called... Haha:) I even hunged up on Moses.... oooooooopsssss..... Sorry yea, like you said, it sounded really crazy around me... Which it was:)
Hahahaha:) Then I believed I sent out almost everyone a greeting right? I hope so coz I think Ilost some people's number....):
Anyway.... Toodling out:)
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 10:54 AM
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Well, Tita Mhay, Tita Mercy and Tita Florence just left. And like at last, the house is quiet-_- I don't know why but my mum and her friends are superrrr noisy-.- And yess, they are wayyyy noisier than me when I'm high in school. But on the bright side, they made it feel more like christmas. I mean, no offense but christmas in Singapore is kinda quiet Quieter than in the Philippines anyway.
Anyway, I went for the Sec 1 registration just now. Gawd...DAMN TIRED... And some parents were a bit problematic They were giving Mrs Ang quite a hard time eh? But the lack of chairs would be the most pathetic part of it all. Its the same every year!!! But this year, they have LESS CHAIRS!!! Smart huh? Carrying chairs and wearing blazers are just THE BEST COMBO-_-
Ok, enough complaining:) Merry christmas!!!! Hahaha:) Church camp is tomorrow... And yes, I havent finish my homeworks... aish....
And I have presents!! ^^V Wahahahahaha:) Not gonna open them till christmas day itself!!! ;p
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 9:07 PM
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Hihi:) well, I haven't updated for a few days.... I guess this will be a long post? I dunno, just be prepared to read... I placed like 2 random pics-I don't want to be accused of killing people with boredom!!! Ok-lame...
Another day where I struggle to keep my hair neat-.- Then Sunday School...eeee... My dad was talking about not looking down on your parents and all. Ok, really, I RESPECT MY PARENTS. But sometimes, they make you do things that hurt you feelings:( I really hate it.... Then I felt guilty after the service... I have been like really bad this year... I believe my spiritual life has hit rock bottom... Coz every time I feel stressed, I don't automatically seek help from God:( And I haven't really been as prayerful as before... Geez, I've deteriorated like hell.... I think its really time to bring back my old self. The me who was still true to myself. I must learn how to Handle my feelings and not let it get in the way. Next year is an important year and I know that it'll be a great one too:)
I woke up late a s usual. I think I have insomnia... No matter how early I lie in bed, I'll still fall asleep at 2.30am or so... eeeeeeee.....I hate that you know:( Then went out with my family again.... My sister got an MP3..It was supposed to be an i-Pod but I dunno what happened My dad kept asking me what I wanted but I really had no wants this year... Really... I seem to be too scared for my exams to do any celebrating this year... That sucks.... So I went for tuition after that.. Which reminds me, I need to get the answer key from Gabriel:( I need to check my answers for those freaking papers-.-
Went to school for the sec 1 registration briefing-.- Geez...Mr Gerrad told us to come at 10am but he made us wait half an hour for him coz he had a meeting-.- Then during this 'lovely' half an hour, Sophia made me confess everything.. eeeeeeeeeeee....... I hate it when that happens... And I hate it when nonsense come out of her mouth...[you know what you were talking about just now] Geezz.... After meeting, got the blazers from Mdm Adibah's office... Fitted them then went home?;p Hahahaha:) Tomorrow will be a great day, I'm sure of it;p
So tata for now, I'm off to surf the net for random stuffs:)
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 2:09 PM
Friday, December 18, 2009
Ok, today would be my homework day... :( I gotta finish all my homeworks by Monday next week:( See, Tuesday and Wednesday, I'm off to school... Sec one registration-_- Then after that, church camp on the 24th and 25th :s seesh... Sorry but I'm in no mood to celebrate... I really want to just rush forward into time and get over the exams.. I somehow want to get away from here!!! Nothing serious, but I need a change in environment:(
But next year, ooooo... busy year:( A good thing yet bad..? Stress ain't good for us yet, it will put my mind at ease? :) I must be mad!!
Let's see, I have a list of things to get over with next year before I am able to fully concentrate on studying...Hmmm, lets see...
~ Sec1'10 Registrations :( [more SMSs coming your way peeps] ~ First day of school!!! eeee...definitely a messy morning... ~ Unit Camp [at last^^] ~ Enrolment Camp [tired liao...] ~ CNY Concert-_-[why did I even bother?] ~ Thinking Day [preps, competitions and the actual day] ~ Speech day [definitely time consuming-_-] ~ Interveiws [ for both the SC and the GG(: ] ~ POP [ sad day:( ] ~ Prefects' investiture[ yessss!!!! About time ^^V]
Aish... I can feel soo tired just by looking at it:(
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 2:22 PM
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Well, yesterday, my dad took a day off.
So basically I was too lazy to blog;p
My parents were actually planning to go to Sentosa...
But we insisted on staying at home...
We did and went out for dinner only...
Now, i'm too lazy to blog...
But here's a vid...
Remember the class BBQ??
The song we dedicated to Mrs Goh??
Well, here it is;p
Oh btw, I woke up just now because of Mr Koh's sms-.-
I don't have to go to school tomorrow;p
Well, whatever it is, I wish my seniors all the best for the release of the results tomorrow;p
Toodling out now:)
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 2:47 PM
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ello:) I don't know what's with me today. I had to type my password and usename 3 times before I could log in to this account-_- aish... Anyways, I promise Sophia to spill what the heck is up on my twitter... Well, lazy to type today, tomorrow kaes?? I mean, I'm sending her an email:) Anyways, if I get to lazy tomorrow... I'll tell you on friday;p Hahaha^^V Well, I have to go back to school on Friday:( I have to help out with the release of the 'N' level results... Hmmmmm..... On the bright side, I won't be stuck at home;p
Ok so I'll send out the details soon alright people??? Don't ask me what time coz I really don't know:( Mr Koh also has no idea So I'll message you guys when I know alite?? Just tell me if you can come or not... Reply ASAP alite? If I don't have enough people, I'll go and find more so you guys must tell me^^
So ending here for now:) see ya'll around;p
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 3:40 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
I haven't written for a long time Its been a while since I wrote a rhyme But anyway, I'm back Its time to give feeling to words-its what they lack
A lot has been going on lately, Everything seemed to be sooo messy:( But still, the challenges I endured. Even though my days are blurred
Things seemed hard and painful at first There are times when you want to burst But it rocks when you have Friends:) Friends that stick to you till the end;p
My prayers were all answered too It came-the peace I never knew How glad I am to choose this road A road where I am off all load
I know I was such a fool in the past:( I thought that such pointless things will last But now I know a whole lot more I can tell if you mean it to the core
So now, I'm more concentrated Most of all, I feel elated:) I know next year will be awesome That's why, I won't want to miss any of 'em
^_~ [sign learnt from dominic;p]
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 10:39 PM
First, thanks soo much to Dom!!! :) Hahahas:) That poem was nice and sweet, thanks sooo much :D
Anyways, I got tuition later but I haven't finish my homework:( Hahaha:) Wells, I'm gonna write a poem myself soon coz Some people are asking me to:) But Ill post it later, now I'm off to do my homework:( He said "try" but still...better not make him say anything to my parents.. And I want to do well too so...
Toodling out nows:)
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 3:19 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Wells, today, the normal Sunday? Though I was like sooo freaking sick this morning. Ok, I felt sick, but of course, no one knows... They don't have to-.-
Anyways, I got my head straight after last night... The stupidest thing is that, you won't believe where I got my inspiration:p
I thought about my tuition lesson tomorrow... Then I pondered about my homework... And I was somewhat "enlightened" ?? Hahahaha:) The weird feeling of weariness dawned into my heart... And I HATE that feeling ya know? It sucks and it makes me want to puke all the time..literally I felt tired after thinking sooo much that now, I just want one thing at a time. But regardless, I meant what I said, but I felt heavy so, its time to let go... So here I am, trying to get things back on track.. I want the Andrea from primary school back. The one who is more hardworking than the one who wrote the past few posts. I'm working hard for next year. I will. I promise:)
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 3:42 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Oh my gee... I found this poem like on the web coz I was sooo freaking bored!!! But my heart melted at the sight of it :( It totally reflects my feelings now... And I know that the last line is sooo true.... But still, I hope he knew... depressing..... Whatever, I edited one line though... It was the only one that didn't seem apprpriate...
Enjoy it thens?
Did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't?
Try hard to fight your feelings, but you just couldn't?
You fall deeper with each passing day,
But try to hide it in every possible way.
He's only a friend, and nothing else--
That's the lie you keeping telling yourself.
You keep on saying he's just a bud,
But deep inside, you're falling in love.
You get so giddy when you meet his eyes,
But keep reminding yourself it isn't right.
A simple glance turns into a stare,
But you pretned that you don't care.
It's "not right" for you two to be.
Is that why you hide it so no one can see?
But how long will you pretend?
Keep lying that he's just a friend?
Perhaps your feelings you can never show.
Perhaps it's "wrong" for him to know.
You know he's happy with love and bliss,
So being his girl is an impossible wish...
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 10:29 AM
Friday, December 11, 2009
I feel good today:)
With the help of my dad, I was able to fix my guitar strings last night:) That means I can play again^^ I seriously didn't know that my dad knew how to fix strings O.O
Anyways, gotta go and slack a while...
Btw, I once again have a bag of Famous Amos cookies!!! Yay!!! hahaha:)
But damn it... I'm getting fatter again-.- Gonna go work out soon... I really have t start dieting!!! urgh...
Whatever thens...
Bye!! ^^V
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 2:16 PM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I've been feeling terrible the whole day:( I think I'm gonna fall sick soon... Some stupid construction work outside my house caused me to start sneezing and have runny nose-.- I hate dust>.< Now, my head is throbbing, my eyes are watery and I feel bad... I'm sure you all know it when we're gonna fall ill soon right? That freaking feeling that I hate ever so much... It sucks big time...
Ok, gonna go and recuperate? Hahaha^^V Have a nice day everyone;p
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 3:22 PM
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Ok, all the pics I seem to owe:) Not much though...I'm feeling a bit too lazy to upload:( But still, cookie sale and the church anniversary:)
Outside Lucky Plaza XD The 3 cookie flavours:)
At the door:) Happy 9th anniversary^^V
Some people are missing in this pic I think...I can't even find myself ;p
Papa and Baby Tenten^^V
Just so you know, I ♥ their song
I ♥ Tita's voice^^V
Ok, family pic:)
Me and my sis:)
This is the cutest!!! Awwwww:)
*My Heart is melting... :S*
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 7:39 PM
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Hey guys:)
Well for those of you who have been tagging with sweet, sweet words, or words of encouragement or advice, Thank you sooo much!! ^^ I'm soooo grateful for them:) But of course, I'm fine here naman:) Just mood swings here and there?
Ok, I carelessly handled my feelings in the past and at one point in time, I felt like a really stupid fool:( I was lost because I felt the same feelings I buried months ago, but I think I've gotten my feelings straight? o.O Ok, maybe I'm on the process of doing so:) Praying has helped me alot:) ALL MY PRAISES TO GOD THE FATHER ABOVE :D
I just wanted to cheer a little girl up:) Seems like Jannine is a bit down too:( Aww, sweetie, don't be too down alite? Whatever it is you are facing, feel free to tell me about it too and I'll always include you in my prayers:) Whatever it is you are facing there, I know you can make it through alite? You are one of the bravest, cheerful and sweet girl I know;p HONESTLY You got your friends on your back alrightie?? STAY HAPPY ALWAYS :D L♥v ya k??
♥andrea♥ PS: One of my guitar strings snapped:( It means that I'll have t stop playing and start studying:(( But a few months more, and I'm done:)) Done with the "O"s ^^V Be strong!! ^^V
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 11:26 PM
Monday, December 7, 2009
Well, gotta say, for once this year, I'm GLAD TO BE BUSY ^^V It took my mind off things for a really long time!! If I were stuck at home, aish...I CAN'T IMAGINE!!! That will be like 24h of hell!!!
Happy today:) A GOOD THING ;p I'm soooooo in a good mood...
Eventhough I went to Orchard by like 9+++am Then headed off for tuition right after coming back at 6+++++?? Aish but still, today was sooooo much better than yesterday^^V I know I promised to upload pics, but not now k?? I feel a bit tooo lazy to upload anything... I just feel like blabbing here;p
Ok, sooo I think I'm gonna go blog hop or something... Just gonna be online for a while, surf here and there... Then I'm gonna get some of my precious sleep!!!! ^^V zzzzzzzzz.....
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 10:35 PM
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Happy 9th Church Anniversary:)
hmm, I just reach home... Nothing much today... I'll upload the pics another time alrite??
Oh can I say something??
I seriously can't believe what I've been feeling for almost the whole day!!! In my head, ran the same phrase over and over again>.< "Come on ANDREA!!!! YOU HAVE TO STOP IT..... YOU SHOULDN"T FEEL THIS WAY, YOU KNOW BETTER:(" I'm such an ass....
And to think na sabi mo "Hindi naman nya ko type ee" ?? Ok, I know I suck when it comes to expressions of feelings.... Ok-maybe I don't... Only WHEN MY PARENTS ARE AROUND!!!! Like duh!!!! I'm such an ass....
And to think I could actually try to put things away?? Feeling na manhid ako kahit medyo masakit?? Tapos, acting pa na wala lang saakin for this long? Its like a broken slipper, then you use scotch-tape to put it back together?? It breaks eventually because, I USED SCOTCH TAPE!!!
In the end, I lost control of all my stupid feelings>.<
I hate myself for doing that.... I should have just let it out right?? I mean, if I did, would I still be in this state??? Or would I be in a worse state??
Ugh...I'm freaking confused!!!! >.<
I seem to have a whole load to say out but... I can't find the freaking words.... Anyone got any advice??
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 5:26 PM
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Ok this was totally random... As in REALLY RANDOM!!!!
But its kinda true?
Just thought I would redeem myself^^V
I know some guys are really nice inside...
But others...hmf...
Just some qualities for you....
Anyway, I thought that this would make some people smile a bit:)
I was toooooo emo last night....
I'm sorry....
I don't know what got into me...
But whatever it is, I meant what I said in my post.
Anyways, updates??
Helped my mom clean the house-she'll freak out if I don't
Played guitar and then fetched my sis...
Got pissed after my imagination ran on and on again=.='''
signing off:)
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 4:19 PM
Friday, December 4, 2009
Do you ever get the feeling that you are imagining things around you?
Ok, not the supernatural kind of imagination...
The imagination- or so to say, DREAM?
When you begin to think things are unfolding to a certain way....
But then realise it was just you hoping all along??
Maybe its like your one true desire...?
Or maybe it just has to do with a memory....
A memory of that one time?
A one time when...
Ok, nevermind....
But really... I hope and pray hard that I don't end being like a fool:( Because I know that sooner or later "they" will know? I don'know what the heck is happening around me anymore....
Its like I'm lost in translation...
This stupid blog isn't of great help too....
Some freaking people never give you peace....
And when you take action to get that peace, you end up pushing it further away
But I need all the help I can get...
Especially now- its the freaking holidays....
Who the hell do I talk to?
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 11:15 PM
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Oh my gee...
I need to go dieting soon:(
I think I'm becoming fatter because, I've been snacking sooo much!!
And worse still, my mom got me like FRESH Famous Amos cookies yesterday!!
Aish...the temptation when you're a cookie lover:(
Ok, anyway, I finished shopping yesterday^^V
About time too....
My sis and I got our dresses...
And ya, I know- me and dresses NEVER MATCH
Anyway, I have yet to start on homework and I have no plans to...?
Ok, I know I should--I'm gonna force myself to....
I hate doing that too...
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 1:44 PM
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Well, I'm chatting with Kuya Tien-Tien on Facebook;p Hahas:) My long lost cousin? Neh..We just ever talked for a very long time...
I sooo miss Philippines:( I wanna go back but....aish... Gotta pass my Os first :( I wanna visit my cousins in America!!! Lets see, Kuya Tien-Tien is in Boston? With Sweetie-pie and Honey-pie;p Then Tita Annet is in Hawaii? Hais...They are all sooo far... Then my dad wants to migrate to Canada after becoming a citizen here?? >.< Aish, I'm staying here!!!! I wanna stay here or just go back to Philippines to study there... geez...
Ok, whatever... I think my mom wants to go to Far East Plaza later... My sis wants a dress from there??=.=''' Ok whatevers...toodles;p
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 12:24 PM
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Helloooooo December!!!!! ^^V
Hais, the time for merry making as they say...
Anyways, today...hmmm... I dunno... Whatever it is, I know my mom wants to go shopping tomorrow-.- Aish....seriously...I dun feel like going out....
Oh whatever...lazy to blog today...
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 6:04 PM
For now, this would be my blog skin:) Hope you guys enjoy your stay ♥