Stayed in the sun from 9 am all the way till camp started at arond 3 pm just to put up flag poles>.<>__All the group names meant friend but in different languages...geez I got a hard one for cheers...] BTW, Sophia'sbrother, Jacob wasin my group!! Hahas:D Got them settled into their bunks[classrooms] then flag break. I messed up the flag raising thing not talking about that=.="' Got changed outta full u to PT attire--start of games:D The first few groups were not so Hyper but I was shocked to see my group progress so well!! Coz Fathin and Gillian's game master for the rubber band game which was at the field--which meant they were right beside the pond where me and Joyce were:D Before my group played their game, they asked them, what Kaibigan meant. One small boy, who I came to know as Nor Syafiq, automayically shouted "Freind in tagalog!" Damn cute!!! Anyway, after the games, short sing-a-long session then dinner!!! At last food!! [didn't eat lunch nor breakfast] After that I think more sing-a-longs then a breifing about campfire night [important cz GOH is Mrs S. R. Narthan!!] Then Our favourite!! Movie time at CCS room!! Hehehe:D Don't know if it was actually scary cz I didn't watch. They would go for a night walk after that so we purposely made them watch it:D Its mean I know but so not my plan!! I just go along with the flow;p My part for the night walk was easy: crawl out of a pillar with hair all over my face at Learning Hub level 3 and possibly chase after them in the dark:D Hahas!! Some were so freaked out!! But others reaction were pathetic and painful!! Halfway, I stopped the crawling and played the piano..Not like I can..I was just pressing the keys anyhow;p Then we forgot the last group!! So all of us were backstage!! Some kena water by someone then I got "hentam" onthe head with the empty bottle!!! Stupidity!! It hurt alot!! Then it was wash up and supper followed by lights out:D Gosh!! They slept soundly!!! Sadly, not for long!!
Day 2:
Its 1 am plus in the morning and most of the leaders and seniors didn't sleep yet. We've had about 2h to take a shower. Fire Drill starts at exactly 2 am. I knew they would hate us for it but we all had our fair share...The male leaders began to bang the doors of the boys' bunk and making noise giving us the queue to start too so we turned on all the lights and screamed at them to get up...For us, we were quite gentle at first actually. But they sat there staring at us so we bagen to yell at them. Gillian was scary. She counted down from 30 to 0 then since they weren't giving a damn about it she started "owe me"s from ten to twenty all the way to 100..Still, nothing so NCC air girls helped by yelling at them like it was army camp. It worked!! Gosh!! Some of them were pretty amusing...One guy wore the shirt inside out others thought it was already time to wake up and bathe... Camp Cheif was funnier!! She was kinda lecturing them that they took soo long to get tdown then on a happy note she said:"Ok, you may go back to bed now!" How I knew they were cursing at us!! But fortunately, there was no night PT or I think they would die...Went to sleep then woke up about 3h later...Long day...PT in the morn followed by flag and cheer making then breakfast. As usual, the games then off to the CCA stations. Heard that my group performed great!! Shi Rong told me their drills were good hahas:D That's good news^^ And they guarded the flag so well!! Never stolen by Eddie or the main com;p Then we had lunch...Manfred had two packets of food!! Gosh he eats alot for such a skinny person!! We continued with the CCA stations then we had area cleaning to do...Sway lah my group...Got the toilet...If you're wondering why we are doing area cleaning at the 2nd day its cz our campfire's GOH is Mrs S. R. Narthan. After campfire preps, we had dinner. I loved how our cheer turned out!! My group got the cheer we made but we couldn't exactly make them understand the beat so they made a beat in their head and edited the cheer:D Sooo Cute I tell you!! Awaiting campfire to start at the parade square while Manfred and Benjamin "gayed" beside me...I was freaked out!! Got so Hyper during campfire!! Don't know why but I think the sec ones thought we were crazy or something...Cheer wasn't that bad..They just kinda forgot the words:) The programme bacame boring when Mrs. Narthan left...The songa had been quite messed up only a few perks here and there. But the performances were great!!! Best part when the campfire closed and one of the teachers gave a talk..I forgot who I think it was either our Principal or Mr. Oh....They said Mrs Narthan liked the campfire alot and even stayed longer than she should have!! Can you believe it?? At least something was accomplished!! Then we watched Get Smart at the parade square. At the same time, it was supper an dwash up time....Geez...I fell asleep on the parade square like many others....I felt soo tired....Most seniors and leaders were also sleeping... Then finally, we went to take a shower and sleep...
Day 3:
I guess all were excited to go home...And once again, I messed my flag raising cz my flag got stuck>.<> with all the sec ones while our seniors took a photo from the fourth floor...Once the sec ones left, time to change out of full u and then bring down the flag poles which took us only about half an hour!! Which was good. I thought I could go home then go for afternoon service to church but I somehow fainted on my bed when I got back and my mom said I looked like a zombie so I didn't go:(....
Ok, I guess my post was very long?? I'll get the pics ASAP!!! Not to worry so that's it for now I guess???
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 9:08 PM
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
hey peeps:D
Happy day coz there wasn't any school today so I got to sleep in for once in a very long time^^V
Yeah..And I'm kinda freaking out now...I think my sis failed a subject so my parents are kinda mad ina dissappointed way:( Gosh I'm scared for myself...
Anyway, weird things I saw on facebook today too...I checked out the people who took my test...All I can say is WOW....Can't believe some of their answers!! A bit funny.. :D Anyway, I made a new version cz the first one was a bit more on the inner me wich is not known by all...Oh wells...
Oh and remember I said that I wanted to pack for camp today?? Well, I didn't!! Hahas:D so stupid of me but aybe I will start in a while^^V Don't wanna rush tomorrow coz I'll arrive home probably at around eight plus!! The course finishes at around 7 to 7.30 they say...
Anyway, I'll go play my guitar again now:D It'll be a long time tll I can do that again...and its been a while since I yea..TTFN
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 3:55 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Sophie teaching^^V

Yeah...She's a great coach;D

See?? Fathin so pro already

Hais...The luck was on their side;p

Pro already lah Shi Rong:D
Had a great day today;D Went to Sophia's house to play tennis. Or at least for them...I really didn't want to play so I was the one who helped to pick up the balls...Hais...Sophia, please bring more balls next time...its more tiring than you think!! So yeah...The pics are up for Ms. Fathin Aerlisa who requested for it soo badly:D Hahas..jkjk;p Anyway, we left at around 11.15 or so and went back to school. We still had UG meeting so it was cool.
I'll be game master for the spider web game together with Joyce^.^V So yea...And we got our packing list..Damn..A heap of things to bring!!! And I'll have to bring it in the morning..Can't Go home to take coz I'll be somewhere else for the water project.. :(*sobbs*
I really don't wanna leave the camp..Then I even have the breifing for the Japan trip at 5.30 I think?? And I'm arriving in school by 4?? How much will I miss???
And I really hope that somehow they will not cancel the trip though its a huge risk to be taking...It's just that I'm not that confident for oral which is on the 3 of June:( Gotta say I'm scared!! And what's the scarier part is that my examiner is Mdm Adibah!! My english must be straight!! Her standards seem so high!! The thought of it make my stomach flip...
Anyway, let's not think about that now...I wanna concentrate on the problem in my hands...Right after UG camp, there's an "amazing race" for the 1T students...Damn!! I totally forgot abput that until Ms. Christable loh talked with me just now...Ok, I have no idea how I'm going to cope with a schedule which clashes Amaths [filing session], game run through for amazing race and the UG camp Workshop...Hais...I thought that the stressful times were passed but it seems like Its only the begining...I think I'll be too busy this holidays...Can't really slack around much...Hais.. But anyways, I have to go so yeah...
Btw, Blog's still under renovation somehow...Got alot of complains [or should I say nagging] from HP about how irritating my blog is because she can't use the scroll to scroll down...=.="' ummm..Wait a while yeah?? I'll do it ASAP ;p
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 9:39 PM
Monday, May 18, 2009
I promised I'll make up for the worry I caused you just now. So yea...
I mean, I was shocked that the paper was do-able too you know...Please don't be mad!!!! I'll repay you with loads of hugs tomorrow kaes??
Ok, I sound like a lesbian now but I promised that I will make up for it right???
Sooo SORRY!!!!
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 8:40 PM
Ok, officially happy today???
The Amaths paper wasn't a killer paper so I just feel relieved!!! At least I'll pass this one:D Well basically that's a highlight for today:D
Though there's no school on Wednesday, I'll be filing out worksheets for most of the subs...Hais...The principal's checking files so I have to make sure that my files are at least presentable.... meeting up with Syafiqah tomorrow after her paper. My paper ends at nine and her paper ends at ten so I'll bring along my book which I borrowed so long ago and only read until page ten...
Anyway, tomorrow's the UG meeting. I'm planning to pack my bag on wed to save me the trouble of rushing. Well, packing bags for camps are so much easier now-a-days. I think I've attended too many camps for the past 2 years. It takes only 1/2 and hour to get things sorted out...The packing list is kinda stuck in my head so I guess I won't be too troubled over things, I kinda have all the things I need too. Unless of course, they go missing...You know I'm such a cluts...So yeah...
That's about ti for now...Maybe I'll update more tomorrow...
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 8:12 PM
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Heyyah!!! I'm finally back blogging here!!
Well, I have to say that I think I'll really flunk my MYEs this time...Especially the PURE science!!! Instructions were not so clear lah!! And for the combined part...Umm well, i can say this, last year's papers were so much easier and when the teachers were telling us of what to study, it seemed so simple!!! Damn!!! Now, I'll really hate myself...I'm just not built to conquer "killer papers" for exams....
Anyway, there are two more papers to go^.^ And I might decide to follow Sophia, Shi Rong and Nadiah back to play their tennis if I can get out of the UG Camp-09 meeting soon enough...If not, I'll just go home and slack:D Well there's also another thing on the 21 which is this "Hypernation" workshop??? I don't mind workshops at all but looking at the time it starts and the approximate duration of the activity, I'm feeling all too lazy....It starts at 4.30 and is about 3h long!! Gosh....That means it finishes at around 7.30?? Geez...It sound like I'm gonna have a busier week than I thought...
Well, I only hope one thing... That is I will be able to get home fast on Sunday. If possible, get home so that I'll make to the morning service...But its unlikely so just get home, get a good bath and then make my way peacefully to church for the afternoon service would be great:D
So yeah, that's about it today?? Oh and just an update for Sophie if she reads this, ummm "he" 's currently MIA so good sign at last?? Hope he's gone!!! Yea, peace at last!! I was smiling so much with Niecia just now at the thought of it;D Oh, for those who are a bit lost here, believe me, none of you will know who I am refering to so ignore;p
So ya...All the best for the rest of the papers!! Maybe "if" I have time, I'll blog again which is 50% more likely but if not, I'll write in after I come back from camp. See ya!!!
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 4:39 PM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Hello!!! Finally, things are back to normal!!! We're going down to yellow alert!!! No more temperature taking but there's still morning assembly``>.<....I just dislike doing duty now-a-days...Just feel too lazy somehow....Anyway, I'm finishing up the CME presentation. Damn its tomorrow!!! But Aizat didn't bring the thumbdrive so I'm finding other ways to get this this ready....
Ya, I know...Its CME-who cares??? Well, I DO!!!!
So I'm glad that there's no Homework to pass up tomorrow...It gives me more time to finish this up and also to sleep!!!
Hahas:D I miss my pillow!!!
Okaes, that's it I guess....I hope they won't change the alert level to orange again....Really very troublesome at times....
So yeah..that's it buh-byes!!!
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 9:06 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Ok, today was a complete waste of time...Don't know why I even bothered to go and take the damn paper....
First, they ask you to procede to the CCS room to take your paper there
Fair enough, I don't really care
Then you finish a compo in 20 minutes
Amazing!!! I usually take only 10 minutes!!
Ok, half a class is asleep before they even announce its almost over.
And I just couldn't wait to hand in the stupid paper
Because with all the nonsense I was writting
I really can't do anything
Then you're given a 5 min toilet break...
Only gave us time to compare whose results will be harder to take
Then we began paper two
But Paper 1 for those in CL and ML have yet finished-we knew
We even ended two papers before they did
So by 11, we were gone and freed
It was dumb yet really funny
Coz though we started 2 min late, we still ended early
It was funny-geez-I wanted to laugh
Everyone was done before the hour even passed the mark of half
Yeah so that's about it
Just proves how dumb I can get...such a dim-wit
Ok, thats how funny today has been. I really can't believe it myself!!! I know yeah...MLB and CLB students don't really care about the paper...Its weird but it happens...It wouldn't be so ridiculous if we were taking the paper in class. Only now that we're together then you see a group of sudents lying don within ten minutes through the exam!! I mean Alvin Peter finished his Paper 2 within 3 minutes!!! He didn't even open the question paper=.="' Funny but its the truth...For Paper 2, there were people sleeping as early as 10am when my paper only started at 9.52am!!! So yeah...I feel bad for even bothering to take the exam...waste my ink and my time>.<
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 6:52 PM
Yesterday was creepy
Today was less freaky
An orange alert for Swine Flu,
Means a whole lot of procedures to go through
A temperature taking exercise in the morning,
Another one before the recess bell rings.
Then there's staff who are assigned tasks,
Looking scary walking around with masks
I walked in and felt like there's a murder in the school,
Yet it seems rather cool
Even the SARS break out wasn't like this-
Can I say its an experience better not missed?
But life goes on here anyway,
Even if we'll live the rest ofthe month this way
♥My right to speak. My right to love♥ 6:45 PM